When thoose dyas just kinda find there way back...

Hey Pps!!
Sitting and listening to many different songs that i listened to for many years ago, i can only say one thing, it's all about flashbacks.
The day in early november 2010 when i could bearly stand...
That day when nothing could hold me back, when the world felt so small....
yesturday, today and tomorrow that will be one of many memories when i was totaly or at least little lost in what i spel out with thoose letters that i wont spell out here on the blogg...
Nostalgi på hög nivå!! <3
Have a nice day PPs!
Peace OUT, Enid ♣

DIK as The GazettE who is WHO

Hey pps!
Earlyer on my blogg i talked about our band called DIK and our b´band members. We have decided who is who in The GazettE, baced on little bit how we are:
UPPDATE: We got a new BAND member her name is SETH, and is an awsome contribution for our band :D
The Band
The GazettE members are Ruki, Aoi, Reita, Kai and Uruha.
YEAY that's us :D
Peace OUT, Enid ♣

OHH damn it's COLD

Hey Pps!
Weekend, very nice i must say no time to keep track of and nothing that i really have to do. The heating system here on the farm dosn't seem to work because it's freakingly cold in the house allthow we have the heat on max it's still ice cold in here.
cute thing in the cold
Cute thing in the COLD!
Peacee OUT, Enid ♣

Hair style- Ruki (Y) (?)

Hey Pps!
Here is one of our tests and it acutally worked out quite nice, and i kinda like it. It was meant to look similure to Ruki's hair (The singer in the band The GazettE) and it went quite good.
smyg reklam oj oj :O (Canon) xD
Pace OUT, Enid ♣

Åsarna Hundspanns Tävling 2012

Hey Ppl!
Förra helgen var det mycket planerat och även mycket vi hann med, under lördagen var vi Ås framtidsdag med LUM och på söndagen var vi på hundspanns tävlingar i Åsarna. Grymt kul och grymt härligt sällskap!
Här är några pics därifrån:
Nordisk stil
Nordisk Stil!
4 spann
Ett 6 - spann
Junior klass med 2 spann
Junior klass med två spann.
2 - spann
2- spann Junior- klass
inför start 4- spann
start skott 4 spann
Start skott 4 spann! :)
(Fotograf) Copyright: Elise Carson ©
Peace OUT, Enid ♣

Tjejerna! <3

Hey Pps!

Inte den mest charmiga bilden kanske men ja två av mina tjejer, så grymt härliga och gosh så shyssta, ser grymt mycket fram emot att få träffa er igen!!! Inte fan träffas vi så ofta som jag skulle vilja men då vi träffas är det underbart!
Saknar er! <3
Bilden är ifrån en av många stunder vi haft tillsammans och många fler ska det bli, även om gänget allt mer börjar spreta åt olika håll ska jag se till att alltid prioritera att träffas när jag kommer hem eller kommer ditt där ni befinner er!
Peace OUT, Enid ♣

And it's weekend

Hey Ppl!
Friday freaking nice!! Yööö... one lesson today, quite nice if i say so myself, now it's weekend which is quite good, school this weekend and then home next weekend to put up my photos Yeay!
Soon i will put up some Pics, so stay uppdated pps!
Peace OUT, Enid ♣

One of many great days!

Hey pps!
Tomorrow i can sleep in which is very nice, got up at half past six today to train my horse before school, and it went very well. Had many lessons planed today allthow on one of the lessons tthe teacher was away so i didn't have to go so did some other homework instead. During the afternoon i have been hanging out with friends and wife, has been very fun i must say. Also took some nice pictures today which i will put up tomorrow on my blogg
Nighty nighty!
Peace OUT, Enid

You're so FLUFFY!

Hey Ppl!
Yesturday was kinda crazy like so many other afternoons/nights... like so many other days, allthow i like it, like when the hours dont only pass by, but when things are happening around me and such.
Today is another day and i have been up about an hour aready and been doing some homework. has been going quite good, allthow i am not sure how it will go on the lesson today allthow that waits to see.
Hahah yeps thats kinda the result of the day before ths one xD...
Peace OUT, Enid

Ohh yeah this is the weekend...

Hey pps!
When music goes on, controll goes off, no not really but i've more or less all weekend long been listening to music, and it has been more or less totally awsome. I think it's kinda good that the weekend is'nt longer, okay i sometimes like beeing on my own but after a while it kinda shows through. Allthow soon i've got company, and i could go over right now and hang out with ppl allthow i should get done with my homework first.
Have a nice day... have a nice day... låt... :)
Peace OUT, Enid ♣

Let the flame guide you home...

get lost

Get lost in the flame

Get lost with in the fire

Let the wings unfold

Let the wind carry you

Let the fire burn to ash

Let through another flash

Break free from the wall

Let go, stand tall

Peace OUT, Enid ♣

A saturday defining myself as lost in the tone lost in the melody...

Hey Pps!!
I am like one to many times before, kinda getting lost inside my own self... awsomee, no but hey it's just the way it is. Today has been a very calm day, mostly been sitting around listening to music, recording music, just letting the day pass me by.
Cant say that i have been right here right now, i barely right here right now any hour of the day, allthow there are hours when i am more right here right now then some hours when i am more or less just kinda floating away with my thoughts... Which sometimes is quite easy to see...
Has acutally been a quite good day, allthow i as usuall could get more homework done, allthow thats almost always the case no matter how much i do. So lets put it like this there is another day tomorrow to and because i am going up at seven there will be plenty of hours to do something more when it comes to homework.
So Long Ppl!
Peace OUT, Enid

The days keep on slipping by (Y)

Hey Ppl!
one week of school past by fast, which is great, sometimes quite stress full, althow not that bad to have four days of school instead of five. I know that if it would have been couple of terms ago i would most likely gotten iritated, althow these days it's quite nice i must confess.
Allthow it has been the number one unlucky day today, it has been a great day for me, no lessons at all, The, alot of music, nice company and alot of harmony and no stress, just cant get alot better.
just for an hour ago i got totally inspired and sat down with the guitar and a reading book and started to play random ackors and just picked out a random melody and sang the text from the book. Quite fun acutally just making it up as it unfoldes.
I have also been very inspired today which is fun, and nice weather also led to some pictures, just couldn't stay inside longer so ran out with my camera and took some pic's great fun i must admite!
Possibly will uppload some pics here on the blogg! :D
So Long Pps!
Peace OUT, Enid ♣

Back to school...

Hey Ppl!

Back at my school again, and this time my friend has also moved to the school and is going to go to the school again which is fun.

the last 3 days i have mostly been hanging out with mom and my "friend" and been riding my little horse... Which has been alot of fun!

Now it's only a couple of days left until the break is over and school starts again...

Peace OUT, Enid ♣

SS501- Ur man...

Peace OUT, Enid♣

JYJ! :)

Peace OUT, Enid♣